Aspects of Harmony and Voice Leading in Four Solo Piano Performances by Clare Fischer (Doctoral Dissertation)


The study of Western music outside of jazz is at a point in its evolution where there is a substantial body of knowledge and literature describing harmony and counterpoint. The study of harmony and counterpoint in jazz, however, is still at an early stage. Using the piano music of Clare Fischer, this study addresses issues of harmony and voice leading and, less directly, related features such as counterpoint and texture. (Doctoral Dissertation) (370 pages)


The study of Western music outside of jazz is at a point in its evolution where there is a substantial body of knowledge and literature describing harmony and counterpoint. The study of harmony and counterpoint in jazz, however, is still at an early stage. Using the piano music of Clare Fischer, this study addresses issues of harmony and voice leading and, less directly, related features such as counterpoint and texture. The study is organized to include discussions in a number of areas. These include an overview of harmony and voice leading in jazz, and a review of the method that is applied to transcription and analysis in the study. These are followed by analyses and discussions of aspects of harmony and voice leading in Fischer’s piano performances of ” ‘Round Midnight,” “Blues in F,” “Ill Wind,” and “The Touch of Your Lips.” (370 pages)


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